Saturday, October 25, 2014


Sportday at Kiara and Luca's school

Kiara with her classmate in her class before the program of this "Sports Day" starts. Dana seemed so impressed of Kiara's bench and Im sure she wants to go to the same school as her sister.

Lucas and his class getting ready for the program where each class did a presentation.

Kiara and her classmates.

Lucas and his friend.

Before the first class started their program, Dana had to make sure she got the attention for the parents on the way over to mommy.

Amazing that the baloon survived the whole day with Dana.

Ice-cream time.

Each class parades into the school yard to get presented. Everything is very formal here in Ecuador.

Half in the stomach and the other half around the face.

Second ice-cream. Great to be the youngest in the family sometimes.