Wednesday, November 26, 2014


I love the Amazon

During a visit from Denmark and our partner there we visited the animal center close to Puyo in the Amazon and I just love to go there. It was really warm but to hear the sounds from animals and insects just reminds me of why I love this part of Ecuador the most.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Roof finally ready

After spending 4 weeks with the maistros in Mindo the roof is up and it looks quite good.

After these pics were taken the last 3 pieces came up and all the loose roof tar that is seen hanging has been cut down.

Lets see how the roof will work when the rainy season comes to Mindo in December or so but by then I also hope to have the channels and tubing ready to lead away the rainwater to the drain system.

Saturday, November 15, 2014


Mindo house

Time to get home to Quito for a day or two but most of the roof is up. There are still many small details missing and I expect that I have another 3-4 days to get the last part done.

With the roof soon done and the doors in the making Maistro Miro can start concentrating on lacquering the roof inside and painting the walls as well as fixing the last details on the windows.

Would be nice to be able to look up this place soon so that we can fix details like bathrooms and electricity and water systems. Also the birds and bats are trying to nest in the house and not that I mind having nature around, I don't like to take care of their droppings all over the house.

Friday, November 14, 2014


Roof construction

Finally the metal roof is coming up.

We did have some issues from time to time as we didn't really have any instructions and none of us had ever installed a roof like this but it moved on in the right direction with some small mistakes that we had to correct.

Maistro Miro with Maistro Gorge helping me out with the roof.


Friends in the shower

Came back to my room in Mindo at night after a long day and just as I was getting ready for a shower I heard something from the bathroom. I had a look and it appears that I scared to bats resting in the shower so they fell down in the floor.

I didnt want to hurt them or having them flying around in my room during night so I took to shirts and did a double throw to catch them both at the same time.

Cute guy/girl? How do you see the difference?

They really got stuck to my shirts so I had to leave them with my clothing's on the balcony for a while as I couldn't shake them of.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Morning in Mindo

Woke up and just as I left my friends place where I stay in Mindo I was greeted by a couple of black vultures, I think they are called at least? I do see them flying almost everywhere in Ecuador but not often I get this close so I guess they were still a bit sleepy.

Friday, November 07, 2014


Mindo house

Back in Mindo and ready for another shift at the house construction.

The wooden finally starts to get ready with its preparations and protective tar layer and Im working on the wood that will support the metal roof in the end. Most of the days are burning hot from 09:00 to 14:00 and after 15:00 it starts to rain the whole afternoon/night. I can feel in my body that I havent been working physical like this for 9 years now but I do love to swing the hammer again.

Saturday, November 01, 2014


With the kids in Caroline park

Back home for the weekend we took the kids to the park to play some games and to let out some steam. They are all 3 monkeys so this is good for them.

No fear of falling really

Caramel popcorn was appreciated for some reason. Cant really stand that sweet stuff.

Dana also liked the sweet popcorn.

The big slide is great fun for Dana.

No problem to climb almost 3 meters up alone to slide down.

Monkey-bar for a monkey.

More proof that they are monkeys?

Chasing soap-bubbles.