Monday, March 28, 2011

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It was funny to see how Kiara used Lucas as her private pillow the other day. Luckily Lucas sleeps like his dad, as a rock, and didn't seem to bother at all. Normally it is mommy Laura in his position and she definitely wakes up all the time.
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Dana starts to stay awake more and more, guess that before we know it she will run around making a mess like the first 2 devils. Every time, both with Lucas and Kiara, at this stage I keep thinking how nice it would be when she starts to get more independent and walk by her self but when it happens I look back and which that she could just stay still more.
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Kiara and Lucas enjoying some yogurt as they look at one of their movies om the computer. I dont know what life with 3 kids would be like without Disney or Pixel..........anybody that knows?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

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Legal system is a joke in Ecuador

We have now been working on getting our apartment back from the man that rents it since May 2010 and still with no luck. Today Laura is called to court to answer some questions from the lawyer that represents the man, Sr Rubio or Sr Stupido as I refer him to, as one of the last steps in the first instance out of four and our lawyer, the sister of Laura, told us last night that with the new constitution Sr Rubio can keep doing this in another 3 instances at least and in the way it works here it might take several years. To this I can also ad that it doesn't matter if he pays his rent or not as that would be another process that might take several years it self.

Do I need to say that today I feel a bit down or simply sad and I have a hard time to concentrate for work. We were looking forward to get the apartment back, sell it and finally buy an apartment that we could move to thinking about that we are now 5 in the family plus the maid so we really need some extra rooms.

Except that it is hard to get your house or apartment back in Ecuador if the renting person dont want to leave it is very often that they in the end when the police force them to leave trash the place and you have to go back to court to fight with high pills for lawyers etc and even if you win the renter will most lightly have "sold" everything he owns to one of his kids so there is no money or properties in his name that can be forced sold.

I love Ecuador but it is so sad to see that the law protects the bad ones time after time but politicians dont seem to care and the president that I saw as the best one on ages start to seem worse and worse every month in my eyes but it is hard to say as a good politician will get run over all the time. The elections here is like a huge lottery game and they seem to do a lot to win but after that nothing.

When I talk to Ecuadorian friends or co worker they always say that they dont like the way it works or the mentality of people but at the same time they keep voting for the same idiots.

Wonder why they never change for the better when people fight to keep things as they have always been.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

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And while a bruised up Lucas rested, Kiara took the chance to try out his jacket. She is in a period of her life when it is fun to zip and unzip things but she wont turn a button either.
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Lucas came home today from school looking like this. He managed to fall in his music class somehow but he is after all like a crazy monkey jumping around everywhere so I'm not surprised at all. The only sad thing is that the school didn't bother to call us to let us know what happened but I guess you get what you ask for in the Ecuadorian public I need to say that he will change school for next year?