Im May Laura, me, Jon and Lucas went to visit an rescue center for animals. It lays about 4,5 hours busride away from Quito and half a hour befor the jungle town of Tena. El Arca is a bit up in the mountains so its not as humid and warm as in the Amason but still coming from Quito its warm enough. We desided to go on a Saturday and return home on Sunday.

A nice litle Tucan bird, always stays at the same few branches everytime I se him.

Jon are playing around with one of the smaler inhabitants of the rescue center, a leaf cutting ant.

Some nice parrots that i guess that you al have seen before.

Lucas are checking that the resturant is stil in place......wouldnt go anywhere without it.

Me and Lucas outside the resturant at El Arca.

We went to a nice litle hostal in Tena for the night. Me, Laura nad Lucas wanted to have dinner out but at first Jon the lazy wnated to stay and watch cable TV...........thank god we dont have to listen to him....

Lucas are as usual enjoying himself, here at the hostal in Tena.

Lazy mom takong Lucas for a swing.

I had the chans to enter the cage of these slow creatures while thay cot their food. No chanse of any action here........

This poor female monkey got cought in an electric fens and they had to temove the tail and one arm but stil it didnt stop her from escaping her cage.

A Tipir having lunch.....doesnt it look tempting to join???

Waiting for the bu to go home after a wonderfull weekend.