In April 2006 this litle fellow was getting prepared for the first weekend trip of his long life....4 months.....and we were aiming for a project for preserving the forest and its animals in Apuela, Alto Choco. Everything vent fine and Lucas enjoyed every minute of the trip.

We took the bus from Quito to Otavalo and there we had to wait for a while befor the bus was leaving for Apuela and Alto Choco. We took it easy in a cafe over a cup of cofe and some snacks.

When we arrived to Alto Choco and before going to our lodge for the weekend we stoped by the projectleaders house to have lunch. Here Jon are inspecting the wachingmachine in the backyard.

Jon are under attac from a fersom wild animal at the projectleaders house.

On the way to the lodges. Took about 15 min to walk and it feelt nice to be away from Quito for a while.

Lucas is ready for the forrests on his first trip in life.

Me and Jon walked in to the forrest to se what kind of plants where growing here and ended up at this smal waterfall. Laura stayed with Lucas at the lodges.

The surrounding forrest in witch the program take place for saving animals and plants.

The lodges where the volunteers live while working in this project. Wery calm and no desturbing neighbours for miles and miles....

I reely hate spiders and here they comes in al shapes and sices....yeck.......

The surroundings where mostly forrests but also some agricultur by the farmers in the comunity.

Laura and Lucas taking a lunchbreake while waiting for the bus back to Quito.
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