Lucas ready to make faces for the camera after a nights sleep.
Dana with her grandfather at the lodge.
Mom at the lodge ready for a hike in the forest
After the hike Kiara wanted to rest a bit with her grandmother
While Kiara fell asleep in the hammock
But as soon as Kiara woke up she had to start playing and waking up Dana as well
Rita with our 3 devils playing with the hammock at the lodge
Dana ready for discovering all the butterflies and bugs around the lodge.
Mom and my wife hiding from the sun for a bit
Kiara the monkey
Dana, Lucas and Kiara ready for a trip on the river.
Lucas and Laura with our guide Jaime that is an old colleague of Laura from when she was a jungle guide
While looking for a lagoon we came across these kids that lived in the area and while their parents went to Coca for the day they had to take care of themselves in the house.
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