Me, Laura and a friend of Laura, Ingolf from Germany, took a short trip over the mountains close to Quito to the foot ocf the vulcano Pichincha. Just on the other side of the mountain or 15 min with a buss i Quito.....hard to belive right??

Stright ahead is the vulcano Pichincha and around here people live on farming and on the few turists that wants to rent a horse. I can imagine how this place will look in another 10 or 15 years when the rich has taken over to build their weekend houses avay from the smog and polution in Quito.

In Ecuador thay have a law to prevent big landowners but sometimes people use the law in a bad way. 2 familys who probably found out that the farm on the picture above was abandond decided to take over the land by living thare for a certain time and then claim it thair own, everything in the name of the law. To bad for the kids who have to live like this in tents for a long time!!!!!! And imagine the owner coming back after 2 years or something to find out that he doesnt own the land any more!!!
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