About 2 weeks ago Miriam and I went with Roxanne to here hostfamily and woulontare woork as an teacher in Wilcabamba. This town has quite a lot of hostels and turists coming for hourse ridind walking in the mountins or just to relax for a while. As long you stay in town you will never be further away than 5 min walking from this little square in the center. Its surrounded by mountins and the views are reely beatifull around here.

Roxanne and Miriam with Patricio the headmaster of the school for older kidds having a look around.

The local market at the bus station.

Just some old guys taking it easy.

Why plan where your house shuld be built when its so easy to just make some smal adjustments afterwords.

The other school where voluntares will work. Here al the older kidds in the region goes.

Wherever I go in this country the kidds can not get enough of having their picture taken. Wilcabamba was no exeption.

The parking place for the family living here i guess.

The churtch in the middle of the town.

Not to many peoples live here and as a nice change to Quito thers not a lot of traffic and noices.

One of the places where voluntares will work as english teachers.

Wilcabamba is an smal town surrounded by mountains and the temperature constantly stays around 25-28C. THerefor its known for people having a long life.

The hostfamilys kitchen. I know it doesnt look to good but the food was exelent.

Here where the voluntares will live while working. Its not a castle but it got its charm.
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