Tuesday, December 13, 2005

on 1 comment

My first visit to the the coast

This Friday night til Tuesday morning me Miriam, Ligia and here friends tock a trip to the smal town of Puerto Lopez on the coast of Ecuador. The busride was more or les 10 hours and a bit of a pain for my neck. I joined in to take the pictures that are going to be used to promote and show coming volontares how it locks like in this country and its diferent projects. This picture is of the center of the town where the market and the street resturants are. The bus station is just behind the stands in the midle. If you are reely strong i guess you can throw an stone stright shrough the town without hitting a single person.........but probebly a pig or an street dog.

The view from our hotel al the way through town to the oacian in the horison.

The first day we went to the smal comunity of Acua Blanca, White Water, to se their project of agreculture farming and to talk to them about the volontares that will come in the future. We were going to ride hors in the afternoon to se the neighbourhood but it got a bit late for that in the end. This anyway is an tipical home for the people in the comunity.

The group outside a familys house where we had lunch and dinner for the day. It was exilent.

The comunity center where the volontares will sleep.

Just a walk in the jungle.

Dont remember the name of this rat locking cusin but it taste good.

The girls were teasin their friend who they caled the Monkey.

At the coast i think almost anything can work as an taxi......

The trees here make an tunel over the road and its reely nice to go thrugh there.

Our transportation for the weakend. It worked just fine but sometimes it sounded like we would walk back to the hotel.....

On the way up to an viewpoint we pased an Alovera plantage and took the chans to get some skin treatment.

Machalillia from a viewpoint but unfortienetly there was no sun this weakend, just clouds.

Down here al the dogs are fleebags..........not to many exeptions.

This is Ligia and here friends on the beach in Machalillia national park where we stoped for some fun, well everybody had fun exept me hwo had an terrible headace and I sleept most of the time.

In Puerto Lopez we visited an smal school where Heather works. Here they are practesing cuestions and answers. Later we whent to Salango to visit Heather and here host family.

Inside its not much that separates the classrooms but nobody is complaining cause if theirs no money.....theirs no money.

The hole school lined up with teachers and kidds for a group photo. Heather the volontare teacher is in the midle.

Some of the kidds and their teachers. Everybody is so happy and nice here and the kidds are so full of energy.

The kidds whent crazy infront of the camera and everybody whanted their picture taken.

About half hour in a bus from Puerto Lopez is the smal town Machalillia where the time has stoped. Thers not to much to do and they dont get that many tourists so Internetcafes dont exist here. We whent here to se another american woman hwo works as an inglish teacher at the school to the right in white and green. Its very nice with the oacian just outside the windows dont you think.

Katherin teaching the kidds inglish and hopefully one day they have a use for it.

Me and Miriam went to wisit an volontare in Salango just outside of Puerto Lopez. Thoug it more or les only have one mainstreet with houses around it it was wery charming and nice. People here mostly live of the oacian or just dont do anything at al..........the mentality is reely scary at the coast sometimes.

The place in Salango where an american volontare lives. She was very nice and very good with the kidds in the school where she works.

In Salango you dont go to the supermarket cause it dont exist.......you go to the water and get what you want.

2 boys in Salango, 10 min south of Puerto Lopez, who just got some fish and squids from the oacion. Miriam bought the fish for dinner back in Quito.

1 comment:

  1. Hallåj gubben!

    We all miss you a lot here in Sweden. It's cold and tonight we got some snow, so I guess that you can live without this scandinavian weather...*burr*
    I (we) haven't really understood that you have moved to the other side of the earth, it feels more like you're on some of your longer vacations...

    But of course we realize that you won't come home and show us some pictures from your last trip, like you use to do *snyft, snyft*...

    So I really hope that you like it over there and also that you and Laura is having a great life and family together and of course that we can visit you and that you can come visit us sometime.

    Nice to se some photos from your new country. I couldn´t imagine a town or village without stores or at least a supermarket, to be honest - I didn't thought that it exist...

    I would never eat any food if I had to pick it up myself from the ocean everyday... Now I can imagine why everyone is so skinny over there...
    So would I be, if I had to live like them in those small villages you visited at the coust

    But it seams like a really interesting country, with a lot of different places with big contrasts. I really look forward seeing it live.

    I hope everything is well with you both and I really looks forward to see your little one, when the time is coming =) (it isn't that far away now - is it?!)

    Lots of hugs from me!!! Mats, Freya and of course the birds is also saying hello!

