Wednesday, December 31, 2014


New Year in Coca

We took the kids to Coca and Zulemas family for New Year.

Laura with some of the kids

Lucas playing

Dana had a ton of fun in the swing

Kiara, Dana and their new friend Ciara.

Dana and Kiara ready for the new year.

Dinner with Zulemas family by the river.


Lucas playing with the other boys.

Karaoke is the usual thing in Zulemas family it seems.

Dana as a mom....

Friday, December 19, 2014


Visit to Mindo again

Dana playing with the sand pile.

Lucas with grandmother checking out the Mango tree plants.

The sand seemed to be the most fun with the house in Mindo for the kids.

Any dirt or trash works as a toy.

Water is of course also fun.

Friday, December 12, 2014


Luca's Christmas play at school

Lucas and Sebastian started to play soccer while waiting for the show to start.

After some time came some other friends.

Think the song was the same as last year but in the end it was great that the show wasn't too long at least, I'm not to much for this Jesus and Christmas stuff

On the way to go home Kiara and Dana had to run around for a while.

And they also danced for a while but cant say what this dance is called.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Doors for Mindo

The entrance door for Mindo is almost ready and the inside doors are also soon ready. They are looking great and the maistro seems to know what he is doing.

Tuesday, December 09, 2014


Kiara's Christmas play at school

Laura doing the last check of the hair?

Kiara and a friend warming up for the Christmas show.

It took Kiara about 5 minutes to break the the candle.

So during the show she had to hold the candle in the middle.

And when it was time to light the candles we had to find her a new one.

Friday, December 05, 2014


Quito festivities

This weekend it was Quito festivities and Dana was representing her class during the party at school.

Dana with a classmate in front of her class.

Dana and her two best friends in class.

Thursday, December 04, 2014



Working in Mindo again and this time I was installing the water channels on the roof.

Mindo village is a mess right now as they are working on putting in new tubes for water and sewer system in the main street.

Though the people thinks it is messy and muddy the kids seemed to enjoy all the fuzz.

First time ever installing this kind of channels but it worked out fine.

Just the last side missing but I ran out of some parts so until next trip.

The maistros were working on fixing the wals and sandpapering the floor so everything is moving on steadily.

The kids avocado tree that I thought died in a grass fire seemed to have survived so in the future we hopefully will have some fresh avocados and a place for the hammock.