Friday, December 23, 2011
Dana the party girl
Dana at Lucas birthday party following the traditions and shows her toung when a camera points at her.....dady's girl.....
Lucas birthday
Lucas blowing out the candles on the caces at his birthday party. Look at the other kids as they cant help but blow a bit as well.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Working hard
It is a tough job but somebody has to do it. Here we are on top of Bartolome Islands highest volcano looking down on the beach where we are snorkeling later.
Sally Lightfoot Crab
I was on Bartolome Island the other week and as everywhere on Galapagos you will meet these crabs that are running around on the lava rocks. Just love the colors......
Friday, November 18, 2011
Amazon lunch
From left to right we have cooked yucca root with aji (like chili), steemed Plantano (kind of banana), todays fish vegetarian Piraya baked in palm leaf over the fire and last but not least the larva grilled on a stick over the fire (like Sago worms) Yummmy........
Blow fish
Me and Livio was out fishing with a group of Swedish people in the Amazon for Piranya but all we got was this small blow fish, not much to eat I might add.
Thursday, November 03, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Dana playing in the sand on the beach for the first time in her life. Here we are outside Casa Blanca on the coast.
Lucas swimming in the pool where our friends live in Casa Blanca on the coast. He still swims like a dog but with some support of a ball he is doing quite good and it is almost impossible to get him out of the water.
Kiara playing with samd outside our house on the coast. The guy taking care of the place got a bit irritated after our first hours there as Kiara wanted to throw the sand everywhere including the pool and the table soccer game.
Soccer game
Lucas, Laura and Kiara had a game of table soccer or whatever you call this game. Kiara had as you can see some problems to follow the game but did her best to help her mom.
Vacation on the beach
Last weekend we finaly got some vacation together the whole family so we packed the car and left for the coast. Here is Dana on arrival, tired and ready for bed.
Tortuga Bay
Our partners Pierre, to the left, and Lasse got stuck at the marine Iguanas for a long time. Especialy Lasse that is a profesional photograph burned a couple of memory cards here.
Lazzzy Iguanas
I took our partners for a walk to Tortuga Bay on Santa Cruz, Galapagos Islands, the other week and as usual the marine Iguanas were sleeping all over the place.
Coming back from a visit to the djungle the other week I had this view over one of the smo caped volcanos in Ecuador while playing with my new camera and couldn't help taking som pictures. Dont ask me what volcano it is because it was way to cloudy to orientate myself along the Andean mountains.
We had some visitors from our partner in Sweden who I took for a walk in the old town of Quito. Here is the famous "La Ronda" where the first recidensial houses was built by the Spanish people a long time ago and since they cleaned up this street a couple of years ago it is one of the most beautiful places in the old town to see.
Dana in her chair back home. She starts to get along better with her dad but from time to time she starts to cry in his arms.