New years morning and Laura got breakfast in bed for a change. Lucas who was happy he could valk by himself was exploring everything again. For the day nothing was planed exept a lunch/dinner upstairs with the family and then se the fireworks while burning the doll.

Me and Lucas at Lauras moms Appartment.

At night me, Ligia, Becky with mom and kid sister and Jon with friend took a walk to Amazonas street where there as usual was full of people, food and drinks.

A bunch of teams is competing in building the best set of dolls. I dont know what the winners get but at 00:00 they will all burn.

Here is the new president smiling and the one that lost in the final voting crying.

Jon is following the tradition that boys dress out like widows on new years eve and beg for money from other boys and men. Jon must have been too ugly though because he only managed to get like 35 cents.
At 00:00 Ecuador is burning with dolls. Its a tradicion to burn this home made dolls that is suppose to represent all bad things in the past year and I think like 95% is the president of Ecuador, just like ours was.
Jon is making sure that the president burns untill nothing is left.

The Fernandez family. From left: Ines, Ligia, Becky, Laura, Jon