September 23 to October 23 Laura, Lucas and me went to Sweden to see my family and friends. Here we are at Mom and Dad for the first time in their appartment in Strangnas.
Dad playing with Oliver and Lucas who tryed a walker for the first time. He seemed to love it and the freedom to go where he wanted.
Lucas getting ready for a photo taken by Dad.
Oliver and Lucas got along well but Oliver had a hard time to understand that Lucas was to small to toss around like the buddys at the daycare center.
We had a party at Walis place and here everybody still is in nice shape sitting down at the table.
Lucas is getting tired but as usual he doesnt want to sleep when thers people around to see. Here with Julia who might wish for a baby of her own from Santa Claus.
Lucas in Lauras knee having a blast, I wonder if the acohol fumes got to his head....
Laura and Lucas are playing around in the sofa. Its getting wery close to when he can walk by him self and we will have other problems on our minds.

Checking out the Internet modem at Walis appartment. I wonder if he will be an electrician when he grows up.

We went for a walk in Stockholm a warm and nice day, even Laura took of her jacket.

We stoped at a cafe for lunch and Lucas protected his bottle with his life.

Lucas was sleeping half of the time in town.

A walk around in Oslo, Norway. We went here to see if we could find any organication to work with. Laura was frezing as usual but Lucas didnt care to much for the cold.

On the way with the sub to the university so talk to some people about volunteer work in Ecuador.

Mom helps Lucas on one of his walkabout to inspect the appartment.

Laura is playing around with Lucas at mom and dads place while dad stands for security from behind.

Oliver and Lucas got along just fine but sometimes Oliver didnt understand that Lucas was smaler and couldnt play as rough as him.

Dad and Lucas resting, its been a day of playing and Lucas is a bit sick after the trip to Oslo, Norway.

Mom and Lucas saying godbye before we left for Stockholm and som last shoping before going home to Ecuador.